innocence and innocents alike

November 7th, 2009

“This was a jihad: attack on infidel forces. That didn’t go as plan. Flat out truth,” Muhammad wrote in the letter.
The men who ascribe to Radical Islam do not see themselves as terrorists, they see themselves as soldiers.   And their training and conversation no longer happens in terrorist camps or in personal exchanges – as was the case with the 3/11 Madrid bombings, conversion and radicalization often occurs in the amorphous world of online media interactions.

Terrorism has always been and will always be the little brother of warfare. Its primary goal is to make the targeted society’s members feel like they’re at war. Terrorism is at its awful finest when no one knows if they might die next, when death comes at random to their doorstep – unannounced and shrouded in unpredictability.

That’s the point of the chaos. That’s why they want to make the world to seem like it’s burning.

And to sow this illusion of warfare, the men we label terrorists must themselves become soldiers. They prepare themselves for going to battle and likely death by saying goodbye, and letting go of their earthly possessions. They see themselves as fighting and dying in a war, often against an outside aggressor whose violence can only be responded to in kind.

The only time terrorism seems complicated or nuanced is when we bring our own moral framework into a situation where it doesn’t apply. The men who see themselves as soldiers, who we would call terrorists, don’t fit into our moral framework. So if you really want to understand terrorism, you have to leave your own moral framework and interpretations behind.

If you can do that, then you’re ready to continue on down the rabbit hole.

And you’re ready to learn about the role Gideon played as the godfather of all terrorists, and about how modern terrorism is simply another step down a path we’ve all been on since the beginning of history.

learn more about Tremble the Devil

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3 Responses to “innocence and innocents alike”

  1. reporters make the best terrorists : Tremble the Devil

    […] men who ascribe to Radical Islam do not see themselves as terrorists, they see themselves as soldiers.   And their training and conversation no longer happens in terrorist camps or in personal […]

  2. Left my DoD Counterterrorism Analysis job, took on $87,932 in debt, and put my Harvard degree to use writing a book about how the social and economic inequalities created by the War on Drugs will be the most likely cause of terrorism. Had an agent for a b

    […] issue up on-line where you can read it for free. If you want to get an idea of what it is like, this post is a general overview of my take on terrorism, and this a single gets into specifics about just how damaging the War on Drugs has […]

  3. Left my DoD Counterterrorism Analysis job, took on $87,932 in debt, and put my Harvard degree to use writing a book about how the social and economic inequalities created by the War on Drugs will be the most likely cause of terrorism. Had an agent for a b

    […] issue up on-line where you can read it for free. If you want to get an idea of what it is like, this post is a general overview of my take on terrorism, and this a single gets into specifics about just how damaging the War on Drugs has […]

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